Processing History for Stripe, Square, and PayPal

For merchants who have processed credit card payments in the past, the underwriters will require monthly statements from each processor in order to underwrite and approve a merchant’s application. 

Underwriters need to review the processing history to get a clear idea of chargeback issues a merchant may have had in the past. The underwriter will compare the total number of chargebacks to the total number of transactions to determine your chargeback ratio, and thus determine the risk level associated with your account. 

Most processors provide merchant statements which show transaction and chargeback data per month; for those merchant processors that do not provide monthly statements with this data, screenshots from the processor’s dashboard can be a sufficient alternative.

Stripe Screenshot Instructions

Stripe Screenshot 1
Stripe Screenshot 2

Square Screenshot Instructions

Square Screenshot 1
Square Screenshot 2
Square Screenshot 3

PayPal Statement Download

Paypal Screenshot 1
Paypal Screenshot 7
Paypal Screenshot 8
Paypal Screenshot 4
Paypal Screenshot 10
Paypal Screenshot 6
Paypal Screenshot 7

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